Online gaming was an issue that created distractions last year, so this year we are working hard to send the message to all students that online gaming on the Chromebooks will not be tolerated. We have blocked as many of the common online gaming sites and students were told that all online games - blocked or unblocked - are against the rules. If students want to play games at home, most families have many other options for doing so - laptop or desktop computers, gaming stations, cell phones, etc. These other options for gaming are usually covered under household rules and families have set up limitations for gaming at home. Please let me know if you are having a problem with your student gaming on their Chromebook, we can investigate online activity and come up with a behavior plan that will help you manage Chromebook usage at home.
We want all parents to see and believe in the value that Chromebooks add to students' learning experience and join in with the teachers and the district to make this a positive experience for everyone.
Mr. Carroll and I reviewed the insurance program offered and how to best protect the Chromebook. You can do three things:
1. Purchase the insurance - this is a great deal and you will wish you had it when your student comes home with a cracked Chromebook!
2. Your student needs a Lunch Recess Storage Plan! Urge them to store the Chromebook in their locker or leave it in their 3rd or 4th period class during lunch. The WORST thing they can do is to put their Chromebook in their backpack and go out to play on the blacktop.
3. Purchase a good case. This will protect the Chromebook and prevent damage. Here are three options that we like for the 7th and 8th grade Chromebooks: